
Which Diet is Right For You?

There are a lot of diets out there and a lot of mixed information; so which diet it right for you?

The simple answer is that all diets work.  Will it work for you?  That is a different discussion.  This is a brief article to simplify some of the nonsense out there.

It’s not a question of which diet is the best or which one works the fastest, it’s a question of which one will you stick to.  Adherence is why diets work or fail. If you can’t stick to it or doesn’t fit your lifestyle then you will fail.  You need to find something that makes sense to you and will fit in your lifestyle and just stick to it.  If it is important to you then you will do what you have to in order to achieve your goals.

Diets work by creating a caloric deficit, or simply burning more calories then you are consuming.  All the major named diets get results by creating a caloric deficit; their method of getting there is what differs between each one.  The chart below gives a short description of the major named diets.

Don’t make it more complicated then it needs to be.  All diets work, it’s what can you stick too.  Most people’s main adherence issue is their weekend activity.  A lot of people can follow a diet during the week but it is the weekend where they fall apart.  Meaning they do really well during the week and then they blow it on the weekend with “cheat meals” too much alcohol or too many sweet treats.  When they look back at their week then they realize because of their choices over the weekend they were never in a caloric deficit for the week and therefore either don’t loose weight or actually gain weight.  Everyday matters with weight loss, it’s not just a Monday-Friday plan.  Does that mean you can’t have a few drinks or that sweet treat from time to time? Absolutely not, but it needs to be done in moderation.  You still want to be able to enjoy your life too.  This just means that you have to plan ahead a little bit better when you want to go out or head to that summer cookout.  Having a plan for your meals make a world of difference to keep you on track for your goals.

Again, this was meant to simplify a lot of the information that’s out there.  Keeping that in mind, everybody is different and each person may require different needs.  If you are one of these people please talk with your doctor before starting any kind of a new diet.  Don’t over complicate things and keep it simple.  Whatever diet you choose to try; eat whole foods, limit processed foods, drink water and get good sleep.  A good night sleep may be one of the more over looked aspects of overall health.

I hope this helps you, good luck and you can do it!!!

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